Chris Ahenkorah
Chris holds a bachelor degree in Integrated Rural Arts and Industry, Postgraduate performance management certificate, project management certificate, Level 5 Leadership in Health and Social Care (Adult Service Management). Experience working in health and social care in the UK managing services for Adults and young people with autism, learning difficulty, dementia, mental health diagnosis and other health conditions across supported living, residential and nursing home. Has overall responsibility in ensuring the foundation’s set objectives are being met and provide overall leadership and guidance of the organizational goals and vision. Chris has a natural compassionate zeal in seeking the welfare of others especially those in need or vulnerable.

Alice Ahenkorah
Programs Manager
Alice holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Political Science, experienced social development officer at the local government under the gender ministry of Ghana. Responsible for overseeing the implementation and achievement of the organizational goals.

Theophilus Ofosu
Project Coordinator
Theophilus holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and a Diploma in Basic Education, an experienced teachers and project coordinator responsible for overseeing the success and completion of projects and events which includes managing volunteers and establishing relationship with other professionals.